Multimodal TV Show Segmentation

Weekly Progress blogs for GSoC 2019 Project with RedHenLabs

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Week 4 - Video Summarization for Keyframes

Ideally, keyframes are the frames which best represent the shot i.e., contain the maximum information about the shot that a single frame can contain. The thumbnail of a video can be thought of as its keyframe, and this is one of the original motives behind Video Summarization techniques.
We’ve been using the middle frame of a shot as its keyframe but obviously this is not always the frame that best represents the shot and hence we decided to use Video Summarization to get better key frames.


After looking at a bunch of open-sourced implementations, I decided to use VASNet as its pre-trained model is available online.
The outline of the procedure is as follows:

Video Summariazation results

The results didn’t show much improvement so we put a pause on the whole temporal clustering/ SBD/ ScBD methodology and decided to explore facial and other information present in the video.